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Letter from the parties and organizations and institutions to the President of the Republic of Iraq


Letter from the parties and organizations and institutions of
Assyrian Chaldean Syriac to the President of the Republic of Iraq
on forced migrated from Mosulto


Europe – ADO — Today, the Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrians are victims of daily killings, mass exodus, discrimination and persecution throughout Iraq, and the city of Mosul in particular. Meanwhile, the Iraqi government and security services are standing still without stopping these atrocities. In addition, the civilized world is also not doing anything to protect the Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people in Iraq.

It seems that these crimes are due to objecting the removal of Article 50 by the Iraqi parliament. This article gives ethnic minorities Assyrians-Chaldeans-Syriacs the right to be represented in provincial councils. The removal of this article is the negation of a fundamental element of the Iraqi people struggling for millennia for the welfare and prosperity of this country.

We, the undersigned, strongly condemn the killings and forced migration being committed against the Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people and the violation of the rights of ethnic minorities in Iraq.

The Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrians in Europe ask your assistance in:
1. Securing the protection and welcoming for displaced persons until these atrocities halt.
2. Assuring effective security for those who are still residing in the city of Mosul.
3. Restoring Article 50, which guarantees minorities the right to be represented in provincial councils.
4. Guaranteeing the national rights of the Chaldean-Syriac-Assyrian people in the Iraqi constitution, including their legitimate right for autonomy in their historical territories where they still reside. The autonomy will ensure the security and future of our people. If we have our own police, it will protect us from the atrocities committed by the extremist groups.

Our people and the non-Islamic groups in Iraq implore your help and protection. Else, the ongoing Genocide will destroy the oldest indigenous groups living in Iraq for millennia. They are thankful for defending human rights, justice and democracy which are the cherished values of the civilized world.

We will be honoured to meet you and discuss these matters as soon as possible.

Sincerely yours

On behalf of:

– Assyrian Democratic Organisation in Europe (ADO)
– Assyrian Federation in Sweden
– Assyrian Youth Union in Sweden
– Assyrian-Chaldean-Syriac Association in Sweden
– Assyrian Chaldean Syriac Council
– Föderation Syryoye Deutschland
( HAS )
– Assyrian Universal Alliance
( EU )
– Stichting Bethnahrin informatie Bureau
Mor- Afrim Stiftung
– Assyrische Mesopotamische Vereniging Enschede (AMVE)
– Centrum voor Informatie en Documentatie Assyrië (CIDA)
– Suryoyo Platform Overijssel (SPO)
– Federation Tur Abdin Nederland (FTN)
– Assyrische Jongeren Federatie Nederland (AJF)
– Vereniging Tur Abdin Hengelo
– Yoesef Saffo Gemeente raadslid Hengelo
– Sabri Gabriel Gmeente raadslid Enschede
– Assyrische Nationale Partij- Europe
– Zentralverband der Assyrischen Vereinigungen in Mittel Europa e.V.(ZAVD)
– Assyrischer Jugendverband Mitteleuropa e.V. (AJM)
– Assyrische Vrouwen Federatie – Zweden
– Stichting Assyria Nederland
– Seyfo center
– Assyrian Institute in Europe

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