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Iraqi Christians continue to face persecution

Charlie Butts   

Mosul, Iraq – onenewsnow — A group representing persecuted Christians believes followers of Christ have good reason not to feel safe in Iraq. Recently, two Iraqi Christians were kidnapped and executed, although one family had paid ransom.

Jonathan Racho of International Christian Concern is not surprised. “Following the invasion of the country in 2003, Christians faced unprecedented persecution,” Racho explains. “Many Christians have been killed; many have been kidnapped.” In other instances, churches have been bombed or threatened, and people have received letters telling them to convert to Islam, leave the country, or be killed.

The threat of violence occurred even after the prime minister issued an invitation to the Christians to return. “Christians are finding themselves in a very, very difficult situation,” Racho contends. “I think the statement in which he called upon Christians to come back is just a mere political statement.

I mean, as this case shows, that the condition for Christians is still not improving or is not improving enough.” Several hundred-thousand Iraqi Christians fled their homeland, mostly to Lebanon and Syria, and Racho remains doubtful they will return.

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