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Bush to Sign Bill Containing $10 Million for Assyrians in Iraqþ



Washington – AINA — The House of Representatives today will pass a final omnibus appropriations bill, including $10 million in assistance to internally displaced religious minorities in the Nineveh Plain region of Iraq.

U.S. Rep. Mark Kirk (R-Ill.) first proposed the $10 million initiative in June as an amendment to the House State-Foreign Operations Appropriations bill (AINA 6-12-2007). The amendment passed unanimously by the full Appropriations Committee and later passed the House.

“As Sunni-Shia sectarian violence drops and refugees begin returning home, religious minorities in Iraq remain at risk and ignored,” Kirk said. “We must build a safe and secure home for Christians in Iraq. This $10 million is the first step toward building that home in the Nineveh Plain.”

In addition to the $10 million, Kirk won additional language in the final omnibus appropriations bill, ordering the State Department to designate a point person within the Department to “focus, coordinate, and improve United States government efforts to provide for [Assyrian] humanitarian, security and development needs.” Kirk said he plans to arrange a meeting early next year between Assyrian-American leaders and the new State Department designee.

“There must be a clear line of authority and accountability at the State Department for assistance to the Nineveh Plain — less bureaucracy and a lot more action,” Kirk said.

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