By Nuri Kino

Sweden- ESNA — Yesterday the Swedish Migration Board passed a historical resolution regarding refugees from Iraq seeking asylum. For several years there have been reports of ethnic and religious persecution against non-Muslims in Iraq, without the surrounding world understanding the full extent of it.

The Swedish Migration Board says: The evaluation will be individual and serve the purpose of establishing whether the applicant risks being violated because of the severe antagonism in Iraq. There must be at least some certain fact which shows this. The current situation in the country, or the home town, and the common risks prevailing there, are not enough for the causal connections to be considered clear.

Based on those principles, the Board therefore grants a Christian former Baath party member a residence permit, while two Muslims at the same time are being refused entry. My “FINALLY” in the title is not at all meant to be anti-Muslim propaganda. Everyone who is persecuted should be granted asylum.

And all Christian Assyrians, also called Syriacs and Chaldeans, can prove that they are personally persecuted, and that they risk being killed because of their religion and ethnicity. The examples of beheadings, rapes, church bombings, and kidnappings are many, and not a day goes by without me receiving reports of the persecution.

Finally the Swedish authorities have realized the religious and ethnic cleansing, which has been going on in silence for many years. A totally correct decision by the Swedish Migration Board. And a historical one. The “Citizens Refugee Representative”, Merit Wager, writes on the homepage www.mfo.nu:

But it is for example well known that Christians in Iraq are being systematically expelled, harassed, slaughtered and persecuted – with an individual evaluation and decision, basically everyone who has managed to get here, will receive a residence permit. Also others who fulfil the requirements for asylum or residence permit will of course receive it – assuming that the Migration Board has personnel with enough competence and knowledge to handle each matter, which unfortunately so far has not been the case. At a center for Christian Iraqi refugees, “Mångkulturellt Familjecenter” (Swe. Multicultural FamilyCenter), refugees are cheering over the resolution.

Translated by Cristina Chamoun

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