Home / News / Assyrian news / Fear of Muslims Forced Elderly Assyrian Couple to Stay Home, Die

Fear of Muslims Forced Elderly Assyrian Couple to Stay Home, Die



Dora(Baghdad)- ana-ashur — Hours after his wife Laila Yacoub Hermis, 68, passed away, an acute psychological trauma killed George Yousif Jajjo aged 74. The Assyrian couple were living alone besieged in their home due to the imposed blockade on Christians by terrorist groups.

The Assyrian couple lived in al-Hadar district between al-Mechanic and al-Sahha areas in Dora. They had consumed what food, water and medicine they had. George risked his life and left home seeking help when his wife fell unconscious; arriving at his sister in law’s place they called the police, but by the time help arrived George’s wife was already dead.

This tragic incident took place June 26, 2007 and it’s part of the calamities befalling the Assyrian Christians with their different denominations due to terrorist acts, jizya (AINA, 3-18-2007), demands and forced conversion to Islam.

George and Laila’s story is part of the vicious campaign by terrorist groups against the citizens in the area but in particular the Assyrian Christians, while both the government and occupation forces have failed to protect them.

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