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Congressional Letter Urges Bush to Aid Iraq’s Persecuted Assyriansý



Washington- AINA — A letter signed by 73 Congressional members was sent to President Bush on June 28. The letter expressed concern on the persecution of the Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs) of Iraq.

The letter was spearheaded by Congresswoman Anna Eshoo (California, 14th district). The letter says “…constant reports of unspeakable violence and persecution demonstrate beyond a doubt that the general security and development needs of Iraqi Christians are not being met” and “Iraqi Christians have neither a strong voicein Iraqi national politics nor the resources necessary to deter the constant harassment and violence…”

Noting that nearly half of Iraqi Christians have fled the country since 2003, the letter urges President Bush to “increase efforts to work with our allies to improve the welfare and security of Iraq’s indigenous Christian and other religious minority populations.”

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