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Swedish MP Supports Nineveh Plains Administrative Area in Iraq


By Afram Barryakoub

Stockholm – AINA — Speaking during a conference on the future of Iraq and the Assyrians (also known as Chaldeans and Syriacs), MP Fredrik Malm from the Liberal Party expressed his full support for the establishment of an administrative area in the Nineveh plain in northern Iraq. He also expressed sorrow for the persecution of the Christian Assyrians who are the indigenous people of Iraq.

The Nineveh plain administrative area is expected to halt the exodus of the Christian Assyrians, Mandeans, Yazidis, Shabaks and other minorities from war torn Iraq by offering them security and local self administration. The area lies outside the town of Mosul and encompasses lands the Assyrians have inhabited for millennia and still continue to inhabit.

The current Iraqi constitution supports the creation of local administrative units as the one proposed in the Nineveh plains. Article 125 of the constitution states:

This constitution shall guarantee the administrative, political, cultural and educational rights of the various nationalities, such as Turkmen, Chaldeans, Assyrians, and all other constituents, and this shall be regulated by the law.

The support for the project is increasing as the world witnesses more and more killings and persecution against the Christian Assyrians in Iraq.

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