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Assyrians were mentioned in EU parliament discussions

Assyrians were mentioned in EU parliament discussions. During the voting on Camiel Eurling?s proposal for a resolution in the EU parliament on Turkey, some Parliamentarians have made it clear that Turkey has to deal with its past and recognize the genocide on the Assyrians, Armenians and Pontic Greeks.

The EU parliament voted down article 50 of Camiel Eurling?s resolution proposal. This article contained a demand on Turkey to recognize the genocide on Assyrians, Armenians and Pontic Greeks. The demand was voted down by 320 votes against 282, in comparison to the whole resolution proposal, which was accepted with 429 votes against 71. The demand that would force Turkey to recognize the genocide was voted down with a small margin. But Turkey is requested to deal with and recognize its past, including the genocide on Armenians, Assyrians and Pontic Greeks.

The reason being that if the crime against these minorities is not recognized it will always be a source of unrest and insecurity.

In yesterday?s conference many important EU countries, among them England, France, Germany and Italy, expressed their big dissatisfaction with Turkey?s unwillingness to realize the reforms and the fact that they still are far from fulfilling the Copenhagen criteria.  

? EasternStar News Agency

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