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Mr. Abdul-Ahad Astepho denies the SNC’s ties to the leaked “transitional government formations”

Mr. Abdul-Ahad Astepho, member of the Executive Committee of the Syrian National Council (SNC), denies the SNC’s ties to the leaked “transitional government formations”:

We will announce our vision for a “transitional government” from the liberated Syrian territories


Mr. Abdul-Ahad Astepho, member of the Executive Committee of the Syrian National Council, denied the SNC having any ties to the leaked “transitional government formations” reported recently in the media. Mr. Astepho described these leaks as "publicity stunts intended to harm the Syrian opposition," considering them as "issues whose goals are to distract us from our fundamental goal of fighting this criminal regime."

Astepho said in a statement to the media reporters of the Syrian National Council that the SNC "will not announce any transitional government without a prior coordination and consultation with the forces inside Syria and the factions of the revolutionary movement, and in the event of its announcement, it will include the Free Syrian Army as well as the political forces of the Syrian National Council." Astepho confirmed in a call from Istanbul that "the Syrian National Council will only announce its vision for a “transitional government” from the liberated Syrian territories."

In response to Haitham al-Maleh’s declaration in Cairo, of establishing a Governing Council, Astepho expressed his belief that "these are not serious efforts and are only new attempts by those who want to harm the Syrian Revolution, because they seek to avert our attention from our primary goal in toppling the regime."

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