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Australian MP Calls for Safe Haven in Iraq for Assyrians

(AINA) — The Assyrian Universal Alliance-Australia Chapter (AUA) met a number of times with Australian Government Officials and presented detailed letters and submissions expressing its concern about the violent attacks in Iraq targeting their religious places of worship, holy sites, and individual members of religious and ethnic communities. In these letters, the AUA urgently requested a meeting with the Prime Minister of Australia Hon. John Howard to discuss this dire situation and take immediate action measures to safeguard and support Iraq’s terrorized ethnic and religious minorities and places of worship.

We are pleased to announce that this matter was given serious consideration by Mr Chris Bowen MP, Federal Member for Prospect, who agreed to raise the Assyrian Universal Alliance petition to be endorsed by the Australian Federal Parliament to help the Christian Assyrians of Iraq.

The Assyrian Universal Alliance – Australian Chapter will hold a public gathering (Political Rally) in Sydney on Sunday 6th February 2005, 6:30 Pm, at Edessa Hall Reception, 5-9 Greenfield Road, 5-9 Greenfield Park. A full report about the petition and our homeland political situation will be conveyed. The AUA will also request all Assyrian community and their friends to endorse this petition.

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