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ADO: Statement for the public opinion in Syria


Syrian- ADO: In the past few days the security forces in Syria have cracked down hard on the nationalist democratic opposition forces in Syria through fresh and organized arrests considered the biggest in years. The campaign has started with the arrest of Fateh Jamous, the leading member in the Syrian Communist Labor Party and Damascus Declaration (D.D) , then Michel Kilo the opposition democratic writer , activist and member of D.D. , to reach up the following human right campaigners and national democratic opposition activists :

-Anwar Buni, the leading lawyer and activist and spokesperson of al-Huriat center
-Suleiman al-Shamari leading member in the Revolutionary Labor Party and member of D.D.
-Ghaleb Amer, member of Arab Organization for Huamn Rights.
-Khalil Husein, leading member of Kurdish Future Party
-Abbas Abbas, journalist and activist
-Eng.Muhamad Mahfouz, activist
-Kamal Sheikh, activist
-Mahmud Isa, ex-detainee and activist
-Dr.Safwan Thaifour, activist

No doubt, these arbitrary arrests, which came on the backdrop of signing Damascus –Beirut Statement , has no legal or political grounds .It is a flagrant violation of Syrian constitution and all other agreements and conventions signed by Syria , particularly those related to human rights , civil and political liberties . As a matter of fact , this campaign is aiming at extending the” reign of terror “, spreading the culture of fear through terrorizing and silencing the Syrian people which is aspiring to building a state of law and institutions and a democratic society free from injustice and discrimination .

we , in the Assyrian Democratic Organization , condemn these arbitrary arrests and express our full solidarity with the recent victims of political detention and all prisoners of conscience in Syria , and further, affirm our complete support for their stance in introducing peaceful democratic changes and consolidating democracy and human rights in syria . Moreover , we call upon the Syrian authorities to set them , as well as the other political prisoners , immediately free and close once and for all the file of political detention in Syria, and further to give up the old policy of solving national issues by security means , as these policies , over the years , have only brought about destruction and damage to the country .

Freedom for Aref Dalila , Ali al-Abdalla and his son , Riad Darar , Fateh Jamous , Michel Kilo , anwar al-Buni,Suleiman al-Shamari, Nidal Darwish , Mahmoud Murei , Khalid Husein ,Mahmus Isa , Abbas Abbas , Ghaleb A’amer , Safuan Tayfour, Yacoub Shamoun , Kamal Shekho,Mahmoud Issa Muhamd Mahfouz and for all prisoners of conscience in Syria . Long live Syria , a free country for all its people .

-Syria 19/05/2006

ADO- Political Bureau

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