Home / News / Iraq / Members List of Iraq Governing Council (13/07/2003)

Members List of Iraq Governing Council (13/07/2003)

Ahmad Chalabi, founder of Iraqi National Congress, Shiite

Abdel-Aziz al-Hakim, a leader of the Supreme Council for the Islamic Revolution, Shiite

Ibrahim al-Jaafari, Dawa Islamic Party, Shiite

Naseer al-Chaderchi, National Democratic Party, Sunni

Jalal Talabani, Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Sunni Kurd

Massoud Barzani, Kurdistan Democratic Party, Sunni Kurd

Iyad Allawi, leader of the Iraqi National Accord, Shiite

Ahmed al-Barak, human rights activist, Shiite

Adnan Pachachi, former foreign minister, Sunni

Aquila al-Hashimi, female, foreign af f! ! airs expert, Shiite

Raja Habib al-Khuzaai, female, maternity hospital director in south, Shiite

Hamid Majid Moussa, Communist Party, Shiite

Mohammed Bahr al-Uloum, cleric from Najaf, Shiite

Ghazi Mashal Ajil al-Yawer, northern tribal chief, Sunni

Mohsen Abdel Hamid, Iraqi Islamic Party, Sunni

Samir Shakir Mahmoud, Sunni

Mahmoud Othman, Sunni Kurd

Salaheddine Bahaaeddin, Kurdistan Islamic Union, Sunni Kurd

Younadem Kana, Assyrian Christian

Mouwafak al-Rabii, Shiite

Dara Noor Alzin, judge

Sondul Chapouk, female, Turkoman

Wael Abdul Latif, Basra governor, Shiite

Abdel-Karim Mahoud al-Mohammedawi, member of Iraqi political party Hezbollah, Shiite

Abdel-Zahraa Othman Mohammed, Dawa Party, Shiite   

07/13/03 09:43 EDT

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