As a result of this treaty the Assyrian people have been an easy victim for the present regimes. These regimes use several methods to erase the Assyrian existence. In the twentieth-century two massacres have taken place to exterminate the Assyrians (in 1914 by Turkey and in 1933 by Iraq). Until this moment the above-mentioned regimes violate the rights of the Assyrian people. Likewise there are several minorities in the whole world, who are being repressed continuously.
The Assyrian people have always chosen the way of peace, to live in coexistence and harmony with other minorities that live in Mesopotamia.
Because of that we request you to pay attention to all repressed people and Assyrians so that the peace will triumph everywhere on the world.
We wish you a successful peace congress.
Yours faithfully
On behalf of the Assyrian organisations in Europe,
مرحبًا, هذا تعليق.
للبدء بالإشراف، التحرير, وحذف التعليقات، من فضلك قم بزيارة شاشة التعليقات في لوحة التحكم.
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